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PT. Intersys is the sole-holder company for IVIO® trademark in Indonesia. A company with strong base foundation as the leading provider of electronic products. Our mission is to become a company known as a leading electronics company who present new technologies to all its products through a strong commitment on quality products and after-sales service. Since its founding in 2002, PT. Intersys has become the leading company as the provider of the latest, most innovative and high technology electronic products. Since then, we have delevoped our products starts from LCD monitor goes to the other categories of electronic products such as: home theater, portable device, computer, home appliance, audio video dan telecommunication. Currently, we have cooperated with a lot of various large companies in Indonesia and the world in developing IVIO® product distribution channels. Whether through modern distribution channels, traditional, corporate and exhibition events in major cities throughout Indonesia as well. Supported with trusted yet reliable marketing and technical team, making PT. Intersys become one of the trusted company in distributing its products through all distribution channel.
Elite Human Capital (EHC) specializes in helping multinational and domestic companies recruit top-flight executive talent. Our philosophy is simple: to recruit exceptional individuals who meet the unique needs of each client. Our goal is to provide our clients not only an adequate candidate, but rather an ideal one. Identifying the right talent, however, is no simple task; it requires expertise and experience. The key to our executive search and placement success is twofold: First, our recruiting process utilizes a wide variety of personal and professional resources. Next, our consultants possess more than two decades of hands-on experience in high-tech industries, as well as themselves having had experience in high-level executive positions in high-tech companies. Every aspect of the search, from the initial meetings with the candidates, through the in-depth interviews, screenings, and final selection is managed by one of these senior consultants. We work very closely with our clients and are committed to offering more than simple recruiting services. Our comprehensive range of services assures that highly qualified candidates, possessing the personality and philosophy which are vital in making appropriate decisions, are identified to meet the particular requirements of each client. Furthermore, all inquiries are handled with the utmost professionalism and discretion. It is through the formation of a close working relationship, the extension of resources, a concentration on compatibility, and the employment of experience and expertise that we provide the highest quality service.
本公司有二十八年歷史,是一績優出口貿易商,隨著業績的不斷成長,需擴大編製人員,故急需人才來共同努力。本公司的工作環境和人事方面相當單純,非常歡迎有衝勁和目標的年輕人加入,與本公司一同成長。 Established in 1982, HEC (Huey Erl Chyang Enterprise Limited) is one of the leading companies in the Houseware, Barware and Kltchenware industries. Focusing on high quality consumer products, we hava devoted ourselves to designing the most stylish and innovative goods, As shown lnour FINE COLLECTION line, our products are endowed with thelr own life and character. 經營理念 本公司有二十八年歷史,是一績優出口貿易商,隨著業績的不斷成長,需擴大編製人員,故急需人才來共同努力。本公司的工作環境和人事方面相當單純,非常歡迎有衝勁和目標的年輕人加入,與本公司一同成長。 Established in 1982, HEC (Huey Erl Chyang Enterprise Limited) is one of the leading companies in the Houseware, Barware and Kltchenware industries. Focusing on high quality consumer products, we hava devoted ourselves to designing the most stylish and innovative goods, As shown lnour FINE COLLECTION line, our products are endowed with thelr own life and character.
ARTDOOR藝境文化藝術有限公司,2008年開始以「藝境工坊」提供藝術品修復服務,協助藝術家策展及藝術品經紀。本著對藝術的熱愛與專業訓練,於2011年4月正式成立畫廊部門ARTDOOR Gallery,作為長期展出國內外優秀藝術家作品的據點,推薦具有獨立思考能力、原創性的作品,以及專業創作態度及技術的藝術家,期待在藝術創作與收藏之間,打開一扇交流之門。 服務項目 ˙藝術策展與經紀:藝術家代理、主題策展、文創品開發、藝企合作等服務。 ˙藝術品買賣投資:藝術投資與收藏規劃、買賣仲介、價格評估等服務。 ˙藝術品展示規劃:藝術展覽、居家粧置、公共空間等展示規劃服務。 ˙收藏品管理諮詢:收藏品登錄管理、保存維護、保養修護、包裝運送等服務。 Company Overview Artdoor Taipei's CEO, Moses Hsu, and Art Director, Amanda Lin, have been involved in the art business for more than twenty years and enjoy great connections with Taiwanese artists. Hsu and Lin both graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts and held positions at Lion gallery for four and ten years respectively. With independent thinking, originality, and professionalism at it core, Artdoor hosts exhibitions that features all kinds of artworks, ranging from Chinese ink painting to video art, created by artists of age thirty to ninety-eight. Artdoor promotes all artists who share its principles and vision. Services ˙ Art Curating and Brokerage: Artist Agency, Thematic Curating, Cultural and Creative Product Development, Art & Business Cooperation, and other services. ˙ Art Trade and Investment: Art Investment and Collection Planning, Trading Agency, Value Assessment, and other services. ˙Art Presentation and Planning: Art Exhibitions, Home Arrangements, Public Spaces, and other presentation and planning services. ˙Collection Management and Consulting: Management of Art Registry, Preservation, Maintenance, Restoration, Packaging and Transport, and other services.
Since the early 80’s, WE-Tech had been the premiere developer manufacturer of steel molds for many major airsoft companies for more than 20 years. With the ever growing airsoft market comes our reputation as being one of the foremost maker of steel molds, thus laying the foundation for our own excellent line of airsoft products today. In 2003, we launched our first line of gas blowback pistols and have never look back since. From being a professional steel mold manufacturer over 30 years ago to creating our own line of full-metal airsoft pistols and rifles, the journey has been tough, but satisfying. The combination of experience, skills and the relentless pursuit of excellence is what define us in the airsoft industry today Looking into the future... With the launch of our Advanced Weaponry Simulator System (A.W.S.S.) in 2008, we’ve set our sight on re-defining the use of realistic, gas blowbackplatforms as a viable training options for the professionals, namely the military and law enforcement personnels. Our worldwide-patented AWSS platform has been tested evaluated by many of the world’s military law enforcement units. Input by these professional units has seen the AWSS being further developed into a consistent, reliable, yet ’powerfully’ realistic airsoft rifle system for the pros or the casual weekend airsofters alike. Our continue commitment to stay at the forefront of technology, our dedication to provide the BEST cost/performance ratio products, as well as our industry-defining customer service/interaction policy will ensure our success in the future
Started as a high quality thread manufacturer, Ching-Sui has transformed its company structure and running patterns to meet with the ever changed economic and world market environment. Ever since 1993 to have been in the plastic injection business and under the leadership of the Director, Ching-Sui serves its clients with top product quality and immediate service that keep the company the leading edge above others. Ching-Sui will, however, keeps working hard to reinforce its production structure and gain more company growth to be a leader of plastic injection products globally.
本機構為政府立案的文理補習班,正派經營,良心辦學。 本機構地處大雅鄉,進台中市西屯區,騎機車至逢甲大學約10分鐘,交通方便。
Located in the heart of the commercial district of Fuxing North Rd and Minsheng East Rd, and only a one-minute walk from the Sherwood Hotel, this pub has managed to find that elusive quality that turns a bar into a real pub. My Other Place serves up great Asian and Western food such as fish chips, pasta and our outstanding American style BBQ ribs. The neighbourhood feel of this pub, with its friendly staff and big screen TV, creates a comfortable and fun atmosphere for both locals and expatriates. So come in and try a trendy cocktail or relax over a scotch on the rocks and chat with friends.
本公司屬南亞關係企業,為集團為求企業垂直整合之效益而輔導成立之公司,成立於2003年,為精密機械與基礎材料相關行業,產品為印刷電路板鑽孔製程專用之細微鑽針,屬高科技精密產業,設備及生產技術均技轉於日本三菱企業,並以其為基礎研發生產極細微鑽針(0.075~0.35mm),成效卓著,客戶群涵蓋台灣第一大(南亞電路板)及日本第一大(IBIDEN)之專業IC載板廠,因客戶評價良好,客戶群及訂單量持續增加,已超出目前產能最大負荷,擴廠需求迫在眉睫,後續成長可期,急需優秀人材一起倂肩作戰擴大營運規模,凡自認具企圖心及工作態度良好之優秀人才歡迎一起加入我們的陣容。 本公司位於南亞塑膠林口廠區,附上詳細路線指示,可依您方便選擇較近之路線前來(以下路線以較著名地標為方向,但非最近路線,僅供參考)。 路線一(泰山、五股、新莊以北地區): 高速公路(一高)往南方向→下五股交流道(靠左往新莊方向)→進入新五路→直走遇中山路(二省道)右轉進入中山路→中山路直走遇明志路右轉進入明志路→明志路直走遇工專路左轉進入工專路→工專路直走即達明志科技大學→遇明志科技大學後左轉直行進入山區道路→沿山路一直往上開→遇丁字路後左轉進入南林路(依告示牌指示往長庚、元國、文方方向)→南林路直走約1.1km右側有告示牌指示(元國電子、文方實業、長庚醫療、文菱科技)→右轉直行即達。 路線二(林口以南地區): 高速公路(一高)往北方向→下林口交流道(第二個出口)→右轉進入文化一路→文化一路直行約50m遇長庚醫院→長庚醫院再直行第一個紅綠燈左轉(左前方為台塑石油加油站)進入文明路→文明路直走約2km遇一廟宇(顯安巖)後繼續直走→約2km遇一叉路左轉往南亞塑膠林口廠(左前方有告示牌指示)→直走約1km左側有告示牌指示(元國電子、文方實業、長庚醫療、文菱科技)→左轉直行即達。
Founded in 2005, Moving Content Solutions pioneers innovative solutions that help clients manage their marketing initiatives. MCS is technology solutions company of the integrated Communications Group (ICG). http://www.groupicg.com/
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